Rákos mezeje területek

Project details
Project value: € 6,615,639
Plot size: 909,697 sqm
Bulding size: 0
Building Rights: 363,879 sqm
Type: Recreation
Usage: Other
Status: Sold
Project description
Budapest XVII. district, Connecting street, Strázsahegyi dűlő
Rákos mezeje ZRT. It was established in 1991 as the legal successor of the Rákos Field Agricultural Producers' Cooperative, established in 1949. At its peak the cooperative had thousands of members and cultivated more than 10,000 hectares (100 million sqm) of agricultural land in the eastern pest site in an area historically known as Rakos Fields. The main activities of the company: rental of buildings, warehouses, land, marketability and utilization of existing properties, logistics, industrial, storage and commercial developments. It has been operating as a subsidiary of Elephant Holding since January 2008.